Never mind.
I take it all back.
Second Life is great.
More soon.
Art, Politics, Technology, how these interact and most importantly, how they particularly interact with Jay (BKLYN) and Amy (NJ) and the little island inbetween us where we sometimes meet for coffee (or tea.. or... pudding).
Ok, it's only $150 lindens a week. Think about it, Jay. It's not a trailer, but it's like the East Coast equivilant. 201, 231, 95 --> check it out. We could also go cheaper if we looked at apartments, but you know - I live in an apartment in real life. Also, we gotta talk about styling up our avatars. What should prospective mom and dad look like? Oh, the mind reels.
I'm trying so hard not to give up on Second Life. I have a whole wonderful post swirling in my head about therapy and the strange alternate universe you drift into when you're there... but I haven't beaten the SL horse to death yet. And so:
I have found two things I consider interesting.
The first is linked above and is mostly for Jay because I thought he might be interested because of his new painting series.
The second is... well, it's this. Followed by a proposal. But first this:
Adoption Agency
Welcome to The Adoption Agency. Do u like to costume your avatar as a kid all the time? or Are you married and want to build your own family? Here is your solution! We are looking for kids and adoptive parents who want to form a family together. The kid can selects the adoptive parents or the adoptive parents can select the kids.
The Adoption Agency's vendors contain people who want to be adopted just like you. Choose a kid or if u are a kid choose yours new parents in the vendor and pay only L$50.The Adoption Agency vendor will provide you with the name and personal profile of your selection. The next step is contact that person and have a family together.
The Adoption Agency can not guarantee that the person will form a family with you after meet you or even respond to your Instant Messages, but our clients have shown an interest in be adopted and have willing provided their personal profile and photograph. All Clients remain in the vendors until they request to be removed.
Right. So the deal is, on SL you can officially adopt some 40-year-old who likes to pretend he's seven.
Ok, they got me there: That, I'm prepared to say, is at least interesting.
And so my proposal:
Jay, marry me. In SL. Let's team up, make it official, pool our measly Linden dollars, lease a trailer somewhere, and adopt a grown man from Idaho who wants to pretend he's a baby. I'm so serious. I really want to do this.
C'mon, at least as an exercise in harm reduction, you should consider it. Now that the idea has crawled its way into my brain and laid about a million eggs (no idea where that came from, but whatever) it's only a matter of time that I will do this with someone. And if I do this with you, chances are I'll feel too guilty to abandon you with the kid and the trailer the first time I get slightly bored with it all.
I suppose the first thing we have to investigate is whether or not there's a Division of Youth and Family Services in SL, and there probably is. And I'm probably headed to SL prison. But I'll take all the blame, Jay. You have it in writing. It was my sick idea.
Anyway. Lemme know if you're in.
Here's a mystic truth for you: Second Life fucking sucks.
I've been on it for about a week now, and I'm trying to plot exactly when it was that it totally lost its appeal for me.
Days one and two, I was completely enthralled. I felt I was standing on the edge of the universe, peeking into the great unknown. It was amazing! Look at all the things you could do! And look at all the things everyone had built! Incredible!
By day three, I was settling into my SL routine. I was tracking cool places to hang out at and interesting people to meet. I would be methodical, and in doing so, truly create for myself a second life.
By day four, it dawned on me that there simply were no cool places or interesting people to be found. Totally bored, I tried to get my avatar a job.
By day five, truly the only option available to me (the only option in that, it's the only thing that perhaps would keep my eyes from bleeding from utter boredom) appeared to be to whore out my avatar. This turned out to be a far more bureaucratic and irritating process than the simple selling of virtual flesh for Linden dollars should be. I lost interest.
Day six I wandered around aimlessly, in a funk. I tried to join up with a church group there, but my timing was all off. Sad and alone, I wandered for miles speaking to no one.
Day seven... well, I logged on and discovered I had 50 more Linden dollars and for a moment I was happy. And then it occurred to me how horribly boring this whole thing was.
Here. On the train ride into NYC today, I wrote a really shitty poem about how much Second Life sucks:
Oh Second Life,Ha ha. See how much this poem fucking sucks ass? Second Life sucks about ten times more.
There's a guy who I often see in the waiting room at my therapist's office. He's not at all what you would think of as conventionally good looking - he's over 40 (at least), overweight, wears big unfashionable glasses, stringy hair, and is a terrible dresser. He's a "character" - he looks like the type that reads a lot. One day as I was going into the therapist's office, he was coming in the door too and the totebag that he had on his shoulder slipped to his arm as he reached to hold open the door. That moment - that gesture - was so incredible to me. He became human, sexy, interesting - all in a moment, just by accident, by fumbling and by fumbling the way I have so many times it's impossible to count. It was this weird moment where I just felt this connection to this guy; I'd looked down my nose at him so many times before because he was all those things I listed - overweight, ugly glasses, etc - but this stupid little fumble opened up this door where I really saw him as a human being, a fellow traveller. For like two seconds, he was really fucking hot.
Moments like that, as far as I can tell, don't happen in SL. Everybody's perfect. Everybody's living their boring fantasy. All the girls at the strip club look just as plastic and fake as all the girls you'd see at any real strip club. All the conversation is more or less what you'd hear around the watercooler at any large office. What's the point?
I'm going to investigate some more, but I'm really losing my patience.
*** footnotes:Postscript [8/24/06]:
Ah... yes. Second Life. I changed my mind.
I changed my mind and, unfortunately, folks googling me would only find this post and not subsequent posts where I tried to make it clear that I'd changed my mind.
So let me be straightforward: I have totally, completely changed my mind about Second Life.
Why, you ask? Because, like real life, the good or bad vibe that you get about a place is pretty much 90% based on the people you hang out with. For the longest, I got stuck in the Slingo/sex party ghetto, and was convinced that's all there was. Now that I've actually met smart, creative people who are excited about doing stuff with the technology other than simply gambling and fucking, I realize its potential.
I suppose basing an opinion on SL on this small cross-section of people was a little like judging blogging purely by pro-ana blogs. If that's all I'd seen of blogs, I would be forced to think that blogs, too, suck - that they were simply for the venting of starving 16-year-olds frustrations and low blood sugar rages, and I would lack the perspective to see how the technology of blogging can actually be put to really good use. The idea that extremely skinny teenagers could affect the newscycle or elections would be horrifying to me, because I wouldn't realize that actually bloggers come from all walks of life and are a pretty diverse group. I think I'm wearing this metaphor into the ground, but you get my drift.
Anyway, I'm now playing around with SL and trying to see if there's any way I can incorporate it into my teaching of art history, which is sort of an interesting and weird idea (and also ethically murky - since it means the appropriation and recreation of famous works of art - but that's what's to like about it). I have no idea if this will work, but it's been a fun thing to try. And also, I've met some really decent people.
And so, I apologize. SL doesn't suck, nor does it blow. It actually has tons of potential and is pretty cool. So, yeah.
Artist Statement Jay Van Buren